Is Teeth Whitening Safe? Legal Regulations in Australia and Everything You Need to Know

First off, Yes. Teeth whitening is safe. But, several factors affect its legality in Australia.

People strive to attain a pearly white smile. Whether for aesthetic purposes or to get rid of unsightly stains, teeth whitening has grown popular. After this procedure, you’ll undoubtedly gain the confidence to flash anyone a smile—a beautiful one at that.

Since the uptick in demand for teeth whitening, the legal and safety concerns have risen significantly. Users are skeptical about approaching a beautician or a dentist to get this treatment. Does that pearly white smile come at a harmful cost? What’s the legality of cosmetic dentistry in Australia?

We know you have these questions, and we’ll strive to answer them all in this detailed guide. Let’s start with the meaning of teeth whitening.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Have you ever admired someone’s smile because it’s super bright? It could merely be natural. But you can achieve the same through teeth whitening.

Put simply, teeth whitening is a dental procedure that lightens your teeth to make them brighter. The process often enhances your smile as well.

It responds to teeth discoloration caused by diets, aging, or lifestyle choices. It’s not always a professional procedure. Individuals can undergo this process with at-home kits or sometimes under the supervision of a dentist.  So, there are two methods of teeth whitening:

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